Huh? Interjections Are Critically Important to Communication

Huh? Interjections Are Critically Important to Communication

Have you ever stopped to think about those little filler words we use in conversations, like “um,” “wow,” and “mm-hmm”? Well, believe it or not, those seemingly insignificant utterances play a crucial role in keeping our conversations flowing smoothly.

When we use filler words like “um” or “uh,” it’s not because we’re unsure of what to say next. In fact, these words serve as a way to signal to the listener that we’re still engaged in the conversation and thinking about our response. They help to maintain the rhythm of the conversation and prevent awkward silences.

Similarly, expressions like “wow” or “mm-hmm” serve as cues to show the speaker that we’re actively listening and engaged in what they’re saying. These small acknowledgments help to validate the speaker’s words and encourage them to continue sharing their thoughts.

So, the next time you catch yourself using a filler word in conversation, don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember, these little utterances are an important part of keeping the dialogue flowing smoothly and ensuring that both parties feel heard and understood.