Penguins are not just limited to icy Antarctica; they can also be found in warmer climates like the Falkland Islands, South Africa, and the Galápagos. With their iconic flippers, love for the sea, distinctive shape, and adorable waddle, these flightless birds capture the hearts of many. Despite their differences, the 18 species of penguins share more similarities than not.
Living in remote areas in large colonies, spotting penguins can be a challenge, but thanks to photographers who have ventured to capture these charming creatures, we can admire their beauty. Explore the incredible images captured by talented photographers who participated in the Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest.
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, a British territory near Antarctica, is home to a quarter of all penguins on earth.
David Swindler, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, 2023
When the newly discovered Ragnhild emperor penguin colony was first visited by humans in 2012, the inhabitants of the glacial landscape numbered 9,000.
David Sinclair, Antarctica, 2023
Penguins—and their reflections—walk along the beach at Volunteer Point.
Olav Thokle, Falkland Islands, 2023
Two penguins stand flipper-in-flipper during a spectacular sunrise.
Mike Eyett, Falkland Islands, 2023
A penguin seemingly pauses to contemplate its options, of which there aren’t many: back or forth?
Conor Ryan, Antarctica, 2019
Volunteer Point is home to around 1,500 breeding pairs of king penguins.
Tony Callaway, Falkland Islands, 2014
Who can blame a mother for wanting to know what’s going on around her young one?
Thomas Vijayan, Antarctica, 2022
Penguins seemingly pose proudly for a picture at South Georgia Island’s Gold Harbor.
Susan Portnoy, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, 2019
Many people associate penguins with polar regions, but the Falkland Islands, where temperatures can reach into the 60s, is “one of the world’s great penguin capitals” where up to a million penguins nest every summer.
Michele McCormick, Falkland Islands, 2023
Is it a penguin, a snow angel or both?
Deena Sveinsson, Antarctica, 2022
Orange patches on the ears and throats are a signature characteristic of adult king penguins.
Jamie Scarrow, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, 2010
Penguins peacefully hang out in the snow.
Bernd Steinebrunner, Antarctica, 2021
They do have wings, but penguins cannot fly. But they can swim underwater at high speeds—as much as 15 to 25 miles per hour.
Susan Portnoy, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, 2019
Is that a smooch? Two gentoo penguins align beak-to-beak at Mikkelsen Harbor.
John Murray, Antarctica, 2022