Mark Harmon, known for his iconic portrayal of Special Agent Leroy Gibbs on NCIS since its inception in 2003, has always been a fan favorite in the franchise. Despite some reported conflicts with his co-stars, Harmon’s departure in season 19 left many fans wondering if he would ever return to the show.
Fortunately, CBS Entertainment President Amy Reisenbach has recently hinted at the possibility of Harmon making a comeback in the future. She emphasized his unforgettable performance as Gibbs and the potential ratings boost his return could bring to the show.
In addition to this exciting news, Harmon’s involvement in narrating the upcoming prequel series, NCIS: Origins, further fuels speculation about his return to the main NCIS series. It seems like there is a good chance that we may see Harmon back on our screens as Gibbs once again. Fans of the show can only hope that this speculation turns into reality and we get to enjoy Harmon’s incredible talent once more.